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Feb, 2011

China's... I Mean MY One-Child Policy

Last weekend, I visited a longtime friend and mother of two. We have been friends since 1st grade and throughout all of life’s many twists and turns, we have always kept in touch. Her oldest son is 5 months older than my one-and-only daughter and part of the reason for this recent visit was to meet her new addition, son number two. He’s almost 5 months old. We are nearing… GULP… 40.

My daughter is 3-1/2 now. Even though we all know 3yo’s are CRAZY, irrational little Nazi’s, she’s not a baby anymore. I am not a baby person and it has been a relief having her at an age where she’s finally “easier”. She’s potty trained, she can put food in her own mouth, she can play independently for quite a while and most importantly, she sleeps about 11 straight hours every night, takes a 1-3 hour nap in the afternoons and attends preschool every Mon-Fri morning. WOOT!

One of the photos that help me remember the good ol’ baby days. Not.

Wait, I take that back MOST importantly, I have my body back to myself. I’m not super vain about the appearance of my body. I work pretty hard to keep in shape but I don’t kill myself and I don’t strive for physical perfection. I leave that madness to the rest of the freaks here in L.A. I’m a comedian. But the 4th degree tear, the post-partum depression, the leaking breasts (Yes, I was like a dripping faucet. Well, two dripping faucets.) are all but a faint memory now and for some reason, I’m having a hard time deciding to let it go and move forward with life. Until… last weekend. Remember? I went to visit my friend.

Her baby was adorable. Her older son was adorable. She’s a terrific mom. The baby barely cried for just a few minutes before his nap. It was all pretty easy-peasy-Japanesey, but hanging out with an infant and a preschooler for just a couple hours was the nail in the coffin for me. It made me realize I do NOT want to have another child.

As much as I would love to give my guy a biological offspring to toss in the air and hang out with and as much as I would love for my daughter to grow up with a sibling, I really don’t want to gestate it, give birth to it and then raise it! ACK! 

It’s not such a big deal, right? Lots of people are choosing to have only one child nowadays. It makes economic sense and for me, I think it’s my last chance of reclaiming my sanity. So is this my body’s biological clock making a last ditch effort to do it’s thing? Is my hormonal urge to reproduce really that strong? After examining these hard questions I realized the answers were NO! I was questioning my one-child decision because I felt sorry for my boyfriend and my daughter. Ai yi yi. This could turn into an entirely different blog all together now. Lutheran guilt syndrome or let’s talk about why I take better care of everyone else than myself. I even feed the dog and take her out to poop and pee while my breakfast gets cold. Every damn morning. Apparently, I care WAY too much about other peoples’ (and animals’) feelings sometimes. 

Yes, I was feeling bad that maybe THEY would be missing out on something magical and no doubt, if we did have a baby, it would be awesome and we would love it and, eventually, we would be so happy, blah blah blah. But the bottom line is, I don’t want to do it. And, BTW, I don’t want to adopt either. One is enough. More than enough and I’m going to stop beating myself up about it. Time to focus a little more on myself, my career and being the best mom I can be to the kid I already have. Starting right… NOW! 

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Feb, 2011

Wubbzy Be Mine - New DVD!

Aubrey is a big Wow Wow Wubbzy fan, so we were pretty stoked to hear there is a new WWW Valentine’s Day DVD out, called Wubbzy Be Mine

This DVD contains three Valentine’s themed episodes: “Mr Valentine,” “Cupid’s Helper,” and “My Speedy Valentine.” Aubrey’s personal favorite is “Cupid’s Helper” because there is bubble-blower involved. She’s a 3-1/2 year old girl – enough said. 

Wow Wow Wubbzy is a really cute cartoon and the story lines seem to hold Aubrey’s attention. The stories teach lessons about friendship, helping and appreciation and if you’re a Blink 182 fan, I always thought the WWW theme song sounds like one of their songs. (I’m just saying.)

You can buy Wow Wow Wubbzy: Wubbzy Be Mine right now, in stores and online at all the places you’d expect to find DVDs but you can also enter to win a copy of the DVD right now, on this here blog! AND the winner will also receive Wubbzy “Conversation Hearts” candies! Woohoo! Oh and the DVD contains 8 Wubbzy Valentine’s cards for your little one to decorate and give away. 

This is a QUICK giveaway since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner (and I was out of town for a week). All you have to do is leave a comment below, telling me how you plan to spend your Valentine’s Day, next Monday. One entry/comment per person and you can enter until midnight PST on Wed, Feb 9th, 2011. Good luck! Winner will be notified on Thurs, Feb 10th, 2011.

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Feb, 2011

McDonald's Oatmeal Is Here! Yipee!

Last month, the good people at McDonald’s asked me to host a breakfast for friends at a local McDonald’s to introduce their new Fruit & Maple Oatmeal to everyone. I’m not a huge advocate of fast food consumption, but as a comedian on the road and a busy, single mom, it is part of my reality from time to time. I’m not one to be a big hypocrite, especially when it comes to food and I was already eating the Starbucks oatmeal on a regular basis in countless airports across the country, so I was actually pretty excited to see how Ronald’s oats compared.

I gathered a group of friends from different walks of life (including some fellow blogger moms, my nanny, her relatives and a couple comedians) and we sat down with Monica, a registered nutritionist for McDonald’s, and talked about the good, the bad and the ugly.

We got the full service treatment… yup

We all know that French fries and chicken McNuggets are not the way to go on a regular basis, but you might be surprised to know that McDonald’s is offering more and more healthy options, like milk, apple slices, water, premium salads, fruit and yogurt parfaits and now… OATMEAL!

Three clowns and a nutritionist

The oatmeal can be modified to your taste and/or dietary restrictions but my personal fave was with all of the toppings which included brown sugar, real maple syrup, apples, a touch of cream, raisins and dried cranberries. You’ll be happy to know that the new Fruit & Maple oatmeal is available ALL DAY (not just breakfast) and each bowl contains two servings of whole grains and a half a cup of real fruit. It’s also rich in Vitamin C and I will tell you, first hand, it’s really good! I had never tried apples in my oatmeal before, but I’m hooked.

You can order your oatmeal without the brown sugar and the rest of the toppings are controlled by you. I give the new Fruit & Maple Oatmeal a big thumbs up. Who wouldn’t want another fast, healthy option at an affordable restaurant? And you can still top if off with a hash brown if you really want too.

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