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Oct, 2011

Disney Interactive Media Halloween Bash!
My mini-MJ busting some sweet moves

Last week, Aubrey and I went to the Disney Interactive Media Group’s Halloween Bash at the Disney Studios in Burbank. This group puts on the BEST parties and this one was no exception!

Guests were treated to samplings of the newest Disney console and online video games and web site offerings on DisneyFamily.com and FamilyFun.com and there was even an artist on hand giving lessons on how to sketch the penguins from Club Penguin! 

Of course there were amazing treats and activities too! Aubrey loved decorating her own Tinkerbell cookie so much, she made two.

Mmmm…Tinkerbell cookies!

If you’re into family video games, there are some really fun ones that just came out including Disney Universe, Cars 2 and LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean but Aubrey’s favorite was the Phineas and Ferb: Across The Second Dimension

Aubrey and her bestie, Isabella, playing Phineas and Ferb

Her other favorite of the night was Club Penguin. I’d heard about the Club Penguin craze and now it has become a reality for us. I may need to put a lock and chain on my laptop. What am I talking about? Aubrey has a job. She can buy her own compter! Geez.

Aubrey held this poor woman prisoner for a large part of the evening

Little ones can also check out Pixie Hollow online and the new mobile apps: Where’s My Water and Puffle Launch for iPhone, iPad, iPod and Android devices.

A well-deserved Jack Skellington cupcake!
We had an AWESOME time that night and the perfect end to the evening was that Aubrey won the kids’ costume contest with her Michael Jackson get up. She even busted a couple moves to Thriller when they queued up the music to call out her name. She was, literally, thrilled! 

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Have a safe and super fun holiday!
xo Amy & Aubrey

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Oct, 2011

Mickey's Halloween Party 2011

If you’ve ever wanted to witness several thousands of people attempting to collect $49 – $64 worth of free candy, then have I got the party for you!

This past Friday, the fine folks of the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim invited Lee, Aubrey and me to attend Mickey’s Halloween Party at Disneyland for the second year in a row. We had SO much fun last year and this year was even more fun because Aubrey was old enough and brave enough to go on some of the scarier rides!

She wore her Michael Jackson costume (sans homemade sparkly glove & wig – too much hassle on the rides) and we went on tons of rides including the Haunted Mansion Holiday, Mr Toad’s Wild Ride, the teacups, the Matterhorn, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Dumbo and more and of course, Aubrey had to see the Captain EO movie!

MJ, I mean Aubrey, all ready to Rock The Night Away!

There are only eight more nights to attend Mickey’s Halloween Party and it is a separately ticketed event during the evening/night time hours. You’ll be treated to a special Mickey’s Costume Party Cavalcade parade, photo opps with Disney characters in their Halloween garb, and a really kick-ass Halloween fireworks display. They have also added scary elements to Space Mountain and there are two really fun dance parties with characters which Aubrey really enjoyed.

Aubs Shakes Her Body Down at Buzz Lightyear’s  Intergalactic Space Jam!
Mickey’s Costume Party Cavalcade Parade

The best part of all was the Trick-Or-Treat Trails. Throughout the park there are candy stations and when you check in you get a huge bag to collect as much as you want. And the people handing out the treats were very generous too – handfuls at each stop! Oh and there are raisins, carrots and apple slices in addition to the candy so you can eat one of those and then feel justified in downing a pound of peanut butter cups. We now have so much candy at our house…we should be put out of our misery. I’m expecting love letters from our dentist to start arriving any day now.

LOTS of candy, people. Lots.

Check event details, dates and prices here and I would suggest buying tickets in advance. The night we were there it did sell out! Get those costumes on and have a great time!

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