Blog Archives
Feb, 2012
My Sweet Little Turkey Gets Sweeter
I share custody of Aubrey with her dad and the last couple days have been the first child-free days I’ve had in what feels like an eon. With Aubrey’s work schedule, the awards shows and then her dad travelling, it was non-stop gogogo, just Aubrey and me. It was fun, but exhausting. Like really exhausting.
After weeks like these, it’s always a bag of mixed emotions sending the kiddo off to her dad’s. Relief on one hand and sadness on the other. I do miss her and I miss having her here… except when I’m getting a full 7-8 hours of sleep. Then I’m feeling pretty ok about everything.
My friends with older kids have told me about this magical time when your child transitions out of the insanity of 3 and 4 years and turns into a delightful and charming 5 year old and I’m starting to see it happen!
Three into four was tough and I was warned. My wise mom friends said three into four makes the “terrible twos” feel like a cake walk in the park and they were right. Aubrey was a charming and easy two year old and compared to some of the insane 3 and 4 year olds I’ve met, she wasn’t too bad during her crazy days, but it was exhausting, nonetheless.
I’m happy to report the days of physical tantrums, the defiance, the crying for no apparent reason, the whining over every little thing… these things seem to be (I’m afraid to say it lest I jinx myself) GONE! Particularly over the last month, Aubrey has been the sweetest and easiest kid on the planet.
Even a few days ago, when I asked her to pick up her toys, she actually responded, “OK Mommy. I’ll do it right away!” WHAAAT?!! I almost died of a heart attack and I thought to myself, “OK, I must be doing SOMETHING right… Right?!”
She has been extra snuggly, extra sweet, extra cute, extra fun and extra polite. This recent development of super greatness makes me miss her even more when she’s gone.
My spring college shows start up this week which means more time away from my special pal. I’m proud of my career and so grateful to be working but I feel the pangs of guilt and thinking about these magical days slipping by so quickly breaks my heart. If only I could stay home with her when she’s so sweet and go on tour when she’s in time out. HA!
For any of you in the crazy days of three and four, there IS a light at the end of the tunnel! And to all the negative Nellys out there who have to chime in with, “Well just wait 10 years, it comes back!” Yeah yeah yeah, blah blah blah. I’m taking my cue from Aubrey and trying to live in the moment, enjoying these sweet, wonderful days when she still fits in my lap for as long as I possibly can.
Tags: Amy Anderson • Aubrey Anderson-Emmons • four year olds • parenting • preschoolers • single parenting • terrible twos • three year olds
Feb, 2012
I Rec Wikets!
Last week I mentioned a new app I’m helping launch, called Wikets and it is becoming more and more addicting as I go. I’ve been exploring all the different recs (recommendations) from friends and new followers, making note of different restaurants and bakeries around L.A. metro that I want to try and discovering new books that look so good if I ever can stay awake long enough to read one. I think the best part so far, has been checking out the day to day items my friends have in their house. Seeing if we use the same stuff or finding out something that might be better based on recs from someone I trust. That’s a big part of Wikets. Personally, the majority of my purchases come from recommendations from friends and family. I rarely try something new without asking trusted friends first and I’m also the kind of person who LOVES to tell people about something that I LOVE! That’s what Wikets is all about!
Know of a great artist on Etsy you want to tell your friends about? Think you know where to get the best bbq ribs in town? How about the awesomest Chinese foot massage in the Valley? DO TELL!
Wikets is still in it’s early stages, so they are continuing to add more businesses to their store list and recently added Petco, The Disney Store and YouTube! Now you can recommend all of your favorite adorable hiccuping baby animal viral videos.
A new feature they just added is “Ask for a Rec”. If you’re looking for a great new nail salon in your hood or wondering which Blu-Ray player gets the best bang for your buck, you can ask your followers and if the people who follow you back and give you their recs. Pretty cool.
Best part is they are working fast to get their rewards program in place. You will earn points for making recs, re-rec’ing things you like and making purchases off of others’ recs. Then you will be able to use your accumulated points to trade in for merchant gift cards! Woot!
Here’s how to try out Wikets for free and get 200 bonus points:
– Download Wikets from the App Store
– When prompted for a promo code, enter my code: funnyyellowmom
This way you will auto-follow me AND you’ll get 200 bonus points – that’s double the normal promo code points.
Give it a try and let me know what you think!
Tags: Amy Anderson • app store • apple apps • apps • rewards program • Wikets • Yelp