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Blog Archives

Mar, 2014

Hi. I'm Back.

Hi There Everyone Reading This (all 3 of you)!

My blog has been woefully neglected. Now that Modern Family is on hiatus I thought I’d try to fill that void with some writing. One of the main reasons I haven’t been contributing to my blog is because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to write about. When I started this blog, many moons ago, Aubrey was just a little baby and I was a newly, struggling single mom. I could bitch and vent without the worry of affecting her reputation or (WHAT?)  career. Yeah. As a comedian, I felt the freedom to express my opinions on anything from breast feeding to horrible parenting.

My how life has changed! Fast forward 6 years and Aubrey is a television star, we live in a mansion and I’m driving a Maserati. OK, well maybe the last couple things aren’t true, the rented town house and Toyota Prius C are fine for now, but life took a very unexpected turn in 2011 which really left me not sure what to write about. Finding the balance between privacy and promotion has been a tricky task and the struggle to maintain (let alone grow) my own 17 year acting and comedy career has been frustrating, to say the least.

But one big, fat lesson I’ve learned in the last three years of my foray into the head-spinning world of Hollywood stage-momming is that motherhood is still the same. No matter how famous or wealthy my 6 yr old becomes, I still want all the same things for her. We are still “real” people. I still want to protect her. I still want to brag about her. I want her to thrive and learn to be a good, healthy person. I still want her to eat SOME of the broccoli, not just the pasta. I want her to be happy, but not a spoiled brat. If she weren’t on a hit tv show, this list would still pretty much be the same. I’m dealing with the same mom/kid issues, just sometimes in different venues – No, you many not have anymore donuts from craft services. Yes, you have to behave at The Emmys. No, you may not wear high heels to your friend’s house even if Sofia Vergara bought them for you. Seriously.

I guess what I’m trying to say is we are “real” people living in extraordinary scenarios and I hope we can always remain this way. Real. The youth “affluenza” epidemic in our current American society is shameful enough, so needless to say, it is out of control in much of the entertainment industry. I have been saddled with the task of combatting this creepy virus and I’ll be damned if I let the Hollywood machine take my kid down like so many before her.

I also want people to know there’s a lot more to our lives – MY life – than being “Lily’s mom”. You know I’ve actually had many people want to take my picture just because I’m “Lily’s mom”? Geez, people. Come on. In short, my dining room table is a mess, my dog still likes to shit on my bathmat after $2500 worth of training and I’m totally over dating. Dating as an Asian American, 40-something single mom of a child star should be its own reality show (with someone else as the star please).

So here’s to a new chapter in the FunnyYellowMom blog. I’m still Funny. Still a mom. Still yellow, too! I hope I can share a slice of our lives that is honest and interesting and hopefully fun.

The next topic on the chopping block: HOME SCHOOLING or Does This Mean I Have To Wear A Fanny Pack?


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