Nov, 2010
Just a quick note to announce the winner of my Screamin Daily Deals and TheBlogFrog.com’s SoCal Family Connect community Turkey Dinner giveaway… BERNADETTE!! Her blog is Bern-Baby-Bern.blogspot.com. Please check out her blog and congratulations!!
The holiday season is officially off and running! I attended Aubrey’s preschool Thanksgiving Feast today which was a ton of fun and I also bought almost everything I need to make holiday gifts. I bake treats every year. Both to keep costs down and to avoid the mass commercialism and mobs at the malls. And I love to bake – so it all works out. I just need a couple more items and I’ll be all done with my holiday “shopping”!
Better get back to nagging my three year old. Rest time is a battle these days. She doesn’t want to nap anymore, but definitely needs a quiet time. She fights this too, but I have to stick to my guns. I’d be so embarrassed if she turned out to be an axe murderer or something. Ta-ta.
Tags: giveaway • holiday season • Screamin Coupons • Screamin Daily Deals • SoCal Family Connect