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Jan, 2013


Happy New Year From Us!

At the end of each year, my BFF, Jennie Wong (co-founder of CartCentric.com, syndicated columnist of Ask The Mompreneur, friend extraordinaire & more) compiles a “done” list. New Years is a time when we tend to focus a lot of energy on all of the things we think we “should” do in the new year. I’m going to go to the gym every day, I’m going to stop eating carbs, I’m going to balance the national budget. I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. Why shlep ancient negativity onto a fresh new slate? I love Jennie’s idea of reminding yourself of what you DID accomplish. In this busy day and age, it is too easy to forget what we’ve done as we are so quickly on to the next conquest. I can’t recall why I even entered a room about 4 out of 5 times, although I mostly blame that on the brain cell sucking powers of motherhood.

Whether you published a book, ran a marathon or finally organized your sock drawer, why not take a few minutes to remind yourself that the year was a fruitful one of growth and hard work? Or even if it’s a reassurance that the year wasn’t ALL bad, that’s ok too. Go ahead, inspire yourself to move into the new year with hope, drive and purpose. Excelsior!


Amy Anderson’s DONE List 2012

– Booked and shot two new tv stand-up shows (Stand Up In Stilettos & Nick Mom Night Out)

– Booked a national commercial

– Banner year of most stand up work booked ever in my 15+ yr career, as a result…

– Highest income year ever in my life

– Got back in shape, lost approx 10 lbs & began training for a half marathon (Jan 20, 2013)

– Got the ball rolling on financial and estate planning

– Re-established a healthy family relationship with my brother & obtained reliable, flexible, trustworthy, much needed child-care help in one-fell-swoop

– Paid off a substantial chunk of debt & starting to see the light at the end of a loooong, shit-filled tunnel

– Obtained health & dental insurance for both Aubrey and me

– Turned 40 and was given a VERY CLEAN bill of health after first ever annual exam including full blood work

– Rid myself of a toxic relationship and stayed happily single all year

– Most importantly, I am proud of the kind of mom I have been to Aubrey and I am the happiest I have ever been. Even though the year was incredibly busy (head spinning, to put it lightly) it was wonderful. And by focusing in on myself and my daughter, I experienced the deepest feelings of peace and joy I’ve ever had. I can honestly tell you, it doesn’t suck.





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Dec, 2011

Merry Christmas From Us!!

It’s officially CHRISTMAS 2011! Woohoo!

In case you missed it, here is the holiday Smilebox card I made for friends, family and fans. Aubrey and I really did have an amazing year. It was not without its ups and downs – like some HUGE ups and downs – but as I look back, I am proud of how much both of us grew and learned in 2011.

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As you probably know, I am a single mom and tonight was a Christmas Eve of solitude for me. Aubrey’s dad and I have shared custody and she is at her other home for Christmas this year. She headed over there this afternoon after a fun morning together of The Muppet Movie matinee and lunch at one of her favorite restaurants.

As a single mom, not having my child on a major holiday always brings mixed emotions. Most people would assume that it’s totally sad, not having my little turkey girl here for Christmas, but it’s not all sad. This is a time for me to relax, catch up on some work, stay up late and sleep in (!!!!), go to some grown-up holiday parties, watch American Horror Story on the DVR in the middle of the day and talk on the phone uninterrupted. I need this time to re-charge my mom-battery. I hate the phrase “me time” but that’s what it is. 

Aubrey and Bob Barker
Of course, the other part of me is sad that I won’t have the traditional Christmas morning with her. These magical holiday years go fast and this is the first year she is excited about Santa Claus. The first year she actually gets the concept and is anticipating his visit. 

Tonight, I was thinking that I hate not getting to see her reaction in the morning when she wakes up to discover the cookies and milk gone, her stocking full of treats and toys under the tree. But honestly, she’s four and I bet she’ll believe me if I tell her that Santa is coming one more night because he knows that she has two houses. Then we can have Christmas all over again next week when everyone else is standing in merchandise return lines and trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the kids’ vacation days. We will be opening presents, having our own Christmas.

Motherhood has not been typical for me, in ANY way. Not since the day she was born. And while it’s not a storybook ideal, it’s still pretty amazing and I do believe we have a really splendid life together. We often have to make up our own rules and traditions as we go, but this is what makes our little family of two, special. 

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday time this year, no matter what that means to you. YOU define your happiness and joy! 

…and if you are spending time with family this holiday season and would rather be at home alone like me, check this out:

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Dec, 2011

Fresh And Easy Does It Again!

I always like to eat, but eating during the holidays is one of my favorite things. I allow myself to let loose in the food department and the belt department and reflect on the year that has passed and the year to come whilst stuffing my face. 

And I like it all – savory, sweet, sugary, meaty, fruity, chocolatey, liquory and my most favorite of all… BUTTERY.

The fine folks of Fresh And Easy (my FAVORITE grocery store on the planet) invited me down to a Holiday face stuffing extravaganza last week which was awesome within itself, but the venue was amazing as well – The Queen Mary Verandah Grill. It was my first time on the QM and it was a beautiful night to gorge oneself on a ship.

I LOVE Fresh And Easy and their holiday specialities this year are amazing! Grab one of their Holiday Guides or view it online, and go to town. You can even order an entire fresh cooked holiday meal for 8 of turkey, ham or beef roast from between $45-$65!! Just be sure to order by December 18 if you would like to have it for Christmas.

The San Fernando Valley Ninja Moms – We are STEALTH! (BTW, I just made that name up. We’re not really ninjas.) 

There’s a lot to choose from and lots of it is seasonal so don’t wait or it will be gone. Some of the items we sampled were the…

Cheeses, meats, veggies, nuts and dried fruits, crackers, salad and shrimp cocktail…

Petite Quiche (come in 3-cheese and Florentine, frozen section), 

Sweet sausage and yam skewers (YAY Chef Cindy!!), 

mini beef en croutes and brie & cranberry pastry puffs

Pie bites (apple raspberry & chocolate caramel, frozen section) & mini eclairs, pumpkin cheesecake pie, holiday cookies…

And of course, we all left with a giant bag of holiday goodies to sample and share with friends:

Aubrey and Bob Barker are ready for the holidays!

Belgian Biscuits, Dark Chocolate Nut & cranberry Squares,  Pumpkin Bread Mix, Orange Spice Granola, Napa Family Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon, Organic Cinnamon Flavored Coffee, Peppermint Hot Cocoa Mix, Panettone, Peppermint Bark, Swiss Dark & Milk Chocolate Truffles, Vermont Maple Syrup With Vanilla Bean

Aubrey is in love with the peppermint hot cocoa and we munched some of those truffles in the movie theater over the weekend. Shhh… don’t tell. That’s what the “mom purse” is for after all. Tonight I’m going to bring the wine and biscuits over to a friend’s house to share and the rest is MINE!! ALL MINE!!!! Mwahahaha! I’ll be cracking open the rest over the holiday week at home with Aubrey. I especially can’t wait try the vanilla bean maple syrup on my homemade pancakes 🙂

Food makes a great holiday gift and I haven’t tired a single thing from Fresh And Easy that I haven’t liked yet. Great prices, amazing natural products with no corn syrup, no artificial colors or flavors and minimal use of preservatives. Stop by and pick up a gift – even if it’s just for you!

Happy Holiday Eating everyone and thank you, Fresh And Easy, for a fantastic kick off to the holiday party season!

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