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Apr, 2012

WooHoo For Spring - Easter, Ponies & Chimps!

April has been a blast so far. I have been busy on the road this spring, but in between these stretches, Aubrey and I have been doing tons of fun stuff. We really have so much fun on the weekends that we have fun hangovers on Monday morning. Aubrey almost couldn’t get out of bed to go to school this Monday. I’m like, “Oh my God! You’re FOUR! Suck it up kid!”

Easter was super fun. We had fun finding eggs and candy from the Easter Bunny at our house and then we went to the Mountain Gate Country Club with some preschool friends of ours for brunch, an egg hunt, games and golfing! It was Aubrey’s first time golfing and she LOVED it!

2nd Career? LPGA in 10yrs? She IS Half Korean - LOL!

Then this past weekend we attended two wonderful events. On Saturday was the My Little Pony Bridle Shower party to celebrate the Friendship Is Magic “Royal Wedding” episode coming up on the Hub network on April 21, 10am PST. Aubrey just discovered My Little Pony and, naturally, she’s hooked. She’s a 4 yr old girl – DUH. The party was amazing with a flower bouquet making station, mini wedding cake decorating with The Butter End bakery (cakes were DELICIOUS!), yummy snacks and drinks and a pre-view screening of the wedding episodes. We had a blast!!

Aubrey Takes A Twirl Down The Pink Carpet

Aubrey And Friend Strike A Pose For the Pony Photo Booth

Then on Sunday, we attended an advance screening of the new Disney Nature documentary Chimpanzee which opens nationwide this Friday, April 20 which also happens to be Earth Day weekend… awww!

Me And My Little Chimp

We loved the film and the footage the filmakers captured is really unbelievable. I wouldn’t recommend the film for children under 3 or 4 yrs as there are some intense fight and hunt scenes amongst the animals. You be the judge on how much intensity your child can take. But there is no gore or graphic violence.

Aubrey Wearing A Chimpanzee Alex Woo Necklace

Aubrey had the honor of being photographed wearing a special new “Chimpanzee” inspired necklace by designer Alex Woo. These necklaces feature the image of “Oscar,” the star of “Chimpanzee,” and 20% of the profits from the sale of these necklaces will go the Jane Goodall Institute. Aubrey was very proud to pose for these pictures and it was an easy way for her to help the chimps! If you’d like to purchase a necklace, there is a selection of styles in different price ranges at www.AlexWoo.com.


I hope your spring is as happy as ours!
This weekend we’ll be heading down to America’s Family Pet Expo in Costa Mesa to hang out with Bridgette aka as “Stella” the French Bulldog from Modern Family, and see all the great animals and exhibits! Maybe we’ll even pick up something special for Bob Barker. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me strength not to adopt another dog while we are there. PLEASE!

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Apr, 2011


This is the school Easter egg hunt at Aubrey’s preschool today. Forgive my crappy camera skills on this one – it kind of turned out like the Blair Witch Project of Easter, but I was busy getting the point across to Aubrey that she had to grab as many eggs as possible before everyone else got them. See, my child was born without ANY sense of urgency whatsoever. I have no idea where this comes from. Seriously. I’m never not in a hurry. Anyhoo…. it’s pretty darn cute, so I hope you enjoy this little slice of our lives:

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