Feb, 2012
I’ve been on the road since Wednesday (it’s almost Sunday) and while it hasn’t been the longest stretch on the road, it has been busy with difficult hours and lots to do in between shows. The older I get, the harder it is to make the time change from the Left to the Right coast. I hate admitting it, but I AM feeling my age a little more every year I’m in this game.
My shows have all been at colleges this trip and they all went well. College students are a lot of fun, but once again, they make me feel OLD!
The hardest part of being on the road right now is being away from my little Aubrey. The older she gets, the sadder I am to leave her and the more I miss her when I’m away. No matter how much fun the shows are, there is nothing as satisfying as going home to be with her.
Right now, I’m killing time before heading to the airport. I had a show between 9-10pm then I ate dinner when I got back to my hotel. After that, I ran 2 miles on the treadmill (yes, at 12:30am) and then took a shower and got my suitcase organized. I have a 6:45am flight and the airport is an hour away. Factor in filling the rental car with gas and returning it, I need to leave my hotel at 4:15am EST… that would be 1:15am PST, so I’ve decided to stay awake rather than try to sleep. I’ve done some version of this two of the last three days going from L.A. to Texas to Maine to New Hampshire. This is why I’m so turned upside down by the time I get back to L.A. I do love it and I’m so glad to be working, but I’m also very tired. I’m ready to go home.
Tags: Amy Ande • comedian • home • on the road • stand up come