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Jan, 2011

James Ellroy, A Bus & A Screw Top Bottle Of Wine
“Good evening peepers, prowlers, pederasts, panty-sniffers, punks and pimps. I’m James Ellroy, the demon dog, the foul owl with the death growl, the white knight of the far right, and the slick trick with the donkey dick. I’m the author of 16 books, masterpieces all; they precede all my future masterpieces. These books will leave you reamed, steamed and drycleaned, tie-dyed, swept to the side, true-blued, tattooed and bah fongooed. These are books for the whole fuckin’ family, if the name of your family is the Manson Family.”

I recently had the unique experience of touring around the City of Angels in a bus with legendary crime novelist and screenplay writer, James Ellroy (L.A. Confidential, The Black Dahlia, Blood’s A Rover). Ellroy served as docent for this tour of famous murder sites in our fair city and to say it was interesting would be an understatement. We also were fed cheese and wine, so interesting and satiating. 

Ellroy is a character, himself, eccentric and brilliant and in Hollywood, this means you get your own tv show. The purpose of the bus tour was for Ellroy to pimp his new show on the I.D. (Investigation Discovery) network: James Ellroy’s LA: City of Demons. It is described by Ellroy as a “Wildy Wicked Weekly Show written and hosted by the ‘Demon Dog of American Literature'”. Yes, Ellroy hosts and yes, he really does use that much alliteration in real life. I shant shit you shivering sheeps as I am no blundering blogger but beguiling at best. (I don’t know what that meant, but it’s all I could come up with right now. I’m no Ellroy. Sorry.)

Ellroy – tall, huh?

If you like Ellroy, if you like old school crime, if you like the noir stories of Hollywood yesteryear – then you should check it out.

James Ellroy’s LA: City Of Demons premieres on Investigation Discovery on Wednesday, January 19 at 10pm with possibly the most interesting episode upfront – “Dead Women Own Me” – where Ellroy tells the dark and deeply personal story of his own mother’s murder when he was only 10 yrs old. Fascinating story. Fascinating guy.

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