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Jan, 2011

Happy New Year!
Celebrating another year of friendship: Amy, Sheri and Jennie

Happy 2011 Everyone! I know it’s cliche to say it, but I can’t believe 2010 is over. 2010 had a bit of a rough start for me, but it ended well and 2011 looks better than ever!

My friend, Jennie, is a great planner and executive coach and she gave me two simple exercises to help get in the right frame of mind for the new year.

First off, choose a word that you would like to set the tone for 2011. Just one word. I chose “GROWTH”. Pretty self explanatory and it covers all areas of my life, both in career and personal relationships.

Secondly, a list! Many people make to-do lists, but we often forget to take the time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished. The end of the year is a great time to make a “Done” list! Here are some of the highlights from 2010:

– Aubrey turned three, started preschool, learned to swim and is 99% potty trained!! 
– Formed a relationship with a new talent manager
– Booked the most college shows ever (personally) off of a regional NACA showcase
– My sit-com pilot was selected as a top 5 finalist in the MAPID TV Pilot Shootout Contest
– Attended my 20th high school reunion and felt pretty darn good about myself
– Found and hired a nanny that doesn’t appear to be a total nut case
– Headlined my first comedy club shows in Asia (Hong Kong)
– Joined forces with Wendy Liebman, Jennifer Rawlings and Judy Gold to form The Mom Squad comedy tour (coming soon to a club or theater near you!)

2010 was what I would consider a slow, difficult year but after looking at this list, I feel a little better about the things I did accomplish and it definitely helps me feel ready to move forward… GROWTH!

Here’s to an amazing 2011! May your new year be filled with happiness, prosperity and joy!

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