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Blog Archives

Apr, 2011

What The Hair?!

More adventures from the road…

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Apr, 2011

The Not So Super 8 Of Appleton, WI

I’m on the road. Like most comedians, I love it, I hate it, I can’t live without it…

This is my last stretch of college shows for the 2010-2011 school season. I’m all over Wisconsin this week and it’s cold and rainy. Here’s the deal with my college shows: 99% of the time, the school chooses and pays for my hotel. I have been put up in everything from scary truck stop motels in rural Pennsylvania where I thought I was going to be raped and murdered to five star hotels with Egyptian cotton sheets and town car pick up at the airport. 

Last night, I was in Appleton. WI and the Fox Valley Technical College (where I had a fun show, btw) put me up in the local Super 8. I’ve stayed in more Super 8s than any human should have to endure in a lifetime and I can honestly say that there is no such thing as a great Super 8, but every once in a while, you can get a tolerable Super 8 if you are lucky enough to get one that is newly constructed. Other than that…forget it.

I thought I’d share a little bit more of my continued life of glamour on the road. Don’t be jealous…

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Apr, 2011


This is the school Easter egg hunt at Aubrey’s preschool today. Forgive my crappy camera skills on this one – it kind of turned out like the Blair Witch Project of Easter, but I was busy getting the point across to Aubrey that she had to grab as many eggs as possible before everyone else got them. See, my child was born without ANY sense of urgency whatsoever. I have no idea where this comes from. Seriously. I’m never not in a hurry. Anyhoo…. it’s pretty darn cute, so I hope you enjoy this little slice of our lives:

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