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Blog Archives

Oct, 2014

Trick Or Treat! It's Sally Bowles!

A text exchange with a dad friend got me feeling all nostalgic about how fun it was when Aubrey didn’t care what she was for Halloween. I could dress her up like a little doll and she was adorable. By age 4 she started picking her own costume, but still picked really cute things.

This year, she wanted to be “Sally Bowles” from Cabaret and I had to put the kibosh on that. We settled on Zombie Wonder Woman and now she’s regretting her choice because she’s jealous of every other child in the Western World who will be dressed like something from Minecraft. Ugh. Why can’t she appreciate how baller Zombie Wonder Woman is?!

Here is a retrospective of Aubrey’s costumes before she wanted to be a drug addicted stripper for Halloween. Awwwwww.

Also, the peapod costume was a bonus costume in 2007. My mom bought it for her but I had already gotten the hot dog so she got to be two different food groups that year.

AubreyHotDog 103107

Her First Disguise: Aubrey The Hot Dog

Fresh From The Garden: Aubrey The Peapod

Fresh From The Garden: Aubrey The Peapod

Ready To Fly: Aubrey The Ladybug

Ready To Fly: Aubrey The Ladybug

Aubrey The Monkey

Aubrey The Monkey

Bob Barker The Witch and Aubrey The Spider

Bob Barker The Witch and Aubrey The Spider



1st Literary Character: Really Rosie

1st Literary Character: Really Rosie

2nd Literary Character: Matilda

2nd Literary Character: Matilda

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