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Blog Archives

Aug, 2011

Phineas And Ferb: Best Live Tour Ever!!
Hey Everyone! Disney Live is bringing Phineas And Ferb: Best Live Tour Ever to SoCal and I have a discount for you!

OK, I’m going to admit that I have never seen Phineas and Ferb, but Aubrey watches it at her dad’s house and she LOVES it! It has been the #1 animated show for tweens for three years running and the Best Live Tour Ever is kicking off this month on an 80 city tour.

Favorite songs from the show, such as “Squirrels In My Pants,” “Backyard Beach,” “Busted,” “Today Is Gonna Be A Great Day” and more inspire the plot for this part action adventure, part rock concert show.

If you’d like to check out the show here in SoCal there are two venues:

Fred Kavli Theatre at Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza
(2100 E. Thousand Oaks, 91362)
Friday, September 23 – 4:00pm & 7:00pm

Long Beach Terrace Theater
(300 E Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90802-4825)
Saturday, September 24 – 4:00pm & 7:00pm
Sunday, September 25 – 1:00pm

Ticket Prices:                                     $65.00 / $35.00 / $25.00 / $20.00
To order tickets by phone:          800-745-3000

And check back to my blog in September to get a special ticket discount!

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Aug, 2011

Aquarium Of The Pacific = Fishtastic

Aubrey and I got to be special guests at Aquarium Of The Pacific in Long Beach, CA this morning and it was a first visit for both of us. We had so much fun and I learned a lot of surprising things about the Aquarium!

We spent the morning looking at several of the over 11,000 species of marine life and animals there but our favorites we the creatures we got to touch with our own fingers, including jelly fish, mangrove rays and zebra, epaulette and bamboo sharks! Did you know those 4-5 visible rings in the bell of the jelly fish’s body are its stomach?! Cool, huh?

We also held an orka tooth and a dolphin jaw bone as well as peered though the teeth of a shark. And there is more to the Aquarium than just fish… we saw Arctic Fox pups in the Molina Animal Care Center and the Lorikeet Forest too. After catching the sea lion show, Aubrey cooled off in the Shark Lagoon area Squirting Squid play area and then back inside to check out giant lobsters, crabs, sea horses, star fish and tons and tons of fish!

My only complaint about the Aquarium Of The Pacific is that it isn’t closer to where we live. We only got to experience a small portion of what the Aquarium has to offer, so we’ll definitely be back for more visits in the future!

If you would like to visit the Aquarium Of The Pacific, be sure to check out their website to plan your visit and make the most of your time there. You can also find out more information about the many festivals, films and camps that they have for kids of all ages and the entire family.

Aquarium Of The Pacific
100 Aquarium Way
Long Beach CA 90802
Open 9am-6pm every day of the year

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