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Aug, 2012

Back To School With The Children's Place

Earlier this week, Aubrey and I were invited to check out the fall fashions at The Children’s Place. I’m going to be honest, I hadn’t been into one of their stores in a while as I am not a big clothing shopper, but as soon as we walked in, Aubrey ran right to the sparkly stuff on the girls’ side of the store and began to ooooh and aaaah! She knows what she likes and she was in LOVE with this store. She literally asked to get almost everything she laid her eyes on!

Aubrey is starting kindergarten at a uniformed school this fall, so I don’t have to worry about school shopping, but because of her work on Modern Family, she does attend a fair amount of media events and award ceremonies and parties – everything from casual Disney movie premieres to The Golden Globes which is black tie – and dressing her for all of these shindigs can really take its toll on mommy’s bank account.

One of my favorite things about The Children’s Place is the wide range of options under one roof. Play clothes and school uniform staples up through fancier dresses and accessories that are easy to dress up and down for different occasions. Their prices are really reasonable and the quality is great. Everything we have ever had from TCP has held up really well.

We picked up a nice assortment of dresses, tops and a night gown that Aubrey LOVED and the shopping trip wouldn’t have been complete without a pair of pink, sparkly high tops. Not sure how I got such a girly girl, but it’s fun! Of course they have a boys section too and there was some super cute stuff on that side, as well. No sparkly sneakers though.


Good luck with all of your back-to-school shopping and watch for these sparkly high tops on a red carpet this fall!


*I was not compensated for this post, but I was treated to a very nice shopping spree and tour of the current fall line, and for this, I am very grateful 🙂 All opinions expressed here are my own… like totally.





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Aug, 2012

I Am Amy & I Speak For The Lorax

Over the holidays I got  a new 3D Blu-ray DVD player and a 3D tv. This is my first new tv and player in ages and I have to admit, I wasn’t keen spending my hard earned dollars on it, but it has been worth every dime so far. The 2 ton box tv set is gone and we are enjoying the HD cable channels. Well, Aubrey is. I almost never get to watch what I want to watch, but Yo Gabba Gabba has never looked better.

This week I got a copy of Universal’s Blu-ray 3D Combo Pack of Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax. Aubrey and I saw it when it was in the theaters, but this was our first chance to try out our new 3D tv and Blu-ray player! We hadn’t purchased any 3D movies yet, so we were pretty excited.

Ready to watch The Lorax in 3D!!

It really did look amazing and it was fun using our own 3D glasses at home. Two of the features of the Combo Pack that I thought were really cool are the 3 new Mini Movies – Aubrey’s favorite one is “Serenade” – and the Digital Copy of The Lorax compatible with iTunes, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android & UltraViolet.

The Lorax Blu-ray Combo Packs are available now in stores and online and to view a trailer of the new mini movies, visit this link on YouTube!


*I was not compensated for this post, but I did receive a copy of The Lorax Blu-ray Combo Pack to facilitate this review. 


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