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Blog Archives

Jun, 2009

Baxter, MN - Land of 10,000 Yawns

Hi Ho!

I’m in the beautiful town of Baxter, MN. This is where my parents live and I have come up to visit with them and help them out around the house while my dad recovers from a hip replacement surgery. While I’m glad to be here for them, sitting indoors most of the day made me realize how active I am. I’m not very good at sitting still unless it’s in a movie theater or there is food going into my mouth. My parents’ house is not a movie theater, but there are donuts and chips here. There will be running and swimming when I return to SoCal. Like a big dummy, I forgot my running shoes and have only gotten out for short walks.

SO, I am feeling a bit lethargic and doughy.  I can’t stop yawning! It’s really weird feeling this way because I’m so used to chasing around a toddler and/or trying to get one million things done before she wakes up or after she goes to bed. Life moves fast in the Anderson house. The Anderson house in L.A., that is. Things are a little slower post-hip replacement here at the Anderson house in Baxter. 
I have done such exciting things as: prepare meals, wash dishes, clean up cat barf, clean up cat barf, prepare meals, wash dishes, take out the trash, clean up cat barf, brush the cat, fill the bird feeder, prepare meals and wash dishes. It’s all part of being here, for now.
Also, this is not the town I grew up in. My parents retired here a few years ago and it’s a little, uh, rural for my taste. These are some pictures from my outing to the lovely mall today. Enjoy. This truck has so many things going on, I’m not really sure where to look: the Confederate flag, a Jesus fish, 2 McCain bumper stickers, 2 Marriage = (stick man) + (stick woman) bumper stickers, the side window has an American flag with an eagle on it and the license is a Vietnam vet plate. LOTS going on! 
I’ll be home a few days and then I’ll be getting ready for my daughter’s 2nd birthday party! Yo Gabba Gabba theme! WOO-HOO! I can’t wait! I hope you are all having a fun and productive week… yawn.

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