Mar, 2011
Just quickly before I head out the door for a run… I know not a lot of us have a ton of money to donate to causes. And if you donated to every cause you cared about, you’d be broke, but here is a low-budget, easy, and legitimate way to donate to relief efforts in Japan and then have your small donation doubled!
Give $5 to the Red Cross relief fund for Japan and the good folks at LivingSocial.com will match your $5 donation 100%. Feel like you can’t give $10? Well, YES YOU CAN! Woot!
Please take the time to do something so small for something so hugely catastrophic. It’s a latte or a value meal. If we all do a little, it will end up being a lot. Let’s help our global neighbors by doing what we can!
Here is the link and please share it with friends. As of right now, 3/17/11 6pm PST, there are 16 hours left to take advantage of this easy way to give:
Tags: Amy Anderson • com • donate • earthquakes • Japan • LivingSocial • Red Cross • relief aid • tsunami