– Use cloth shopping bags and if you can, refuse bags when offered (only 1% of plastic bags are recycled)
– Always cut up plastic soda can rings and make sure bottle caps and plastic rings from milk jugs, etc, end up in the garbage – but even better, STOP USING THEM!
– When getting take out food ask them to leave out the plastic utensils, straw and even extra stuff like ketchup and soy sauce packets, if you’re not going to use them. I know mine usually end up in the trash and I have a junk drawer in the kitchen full of plastic forks wrapped in napkins with rubber bands! Stupid.
– Pick up plastic! If you see plastic trash on the beach, park, etc, pick it up and get it to a recycle bin if possible
– Reduce your seafood consumption and only eat sustainable seafood, if you must. Lots of great info at: The End of the Line site.
– If you need to use disposable utensils and plates, use corn, bamboo or paper products. Just Google it and you’ll be amazed at how many products are out there!
– Start channeling Nancy Regan and just say NO! Not to drugs! Do all the drugs you want! To styrofoam and plastics. Actually, did you know that styrofoam is just another form of plastic? Start bringing your own reusable food containers and travel mugs along with you and most food establishments are happy to use them instead. Some food establishments will even give you a discount (Starbucks and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf are a couple)!
So, there you have it people. There are a million more ways you can make a little difference starting right now, so why wait? At least, do it for Michael.