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Blog Archives

Mar, 2010

Moooove Bitch! I moved! 2010 Census!

Quick note to announce the move is finally DONE! Well, just the moving part. Last week, I packed my toddler, my chihuahua, my boyfriend and all our crap and we moved 10 miles down the road. We found a more affordable, nicer home in a great neighborhood with awesome schools, closer to boyfriend’s office and child’s father so… duh. We moved. Loving the new place so far, but as with any change there are pluses and minuses. Here’s what I’ll really miss:

– Futher away from Vietnamese and Korean food and my favorite grocery store, Fresh and Easy. Sigh
– We are in a town home community so it’s a little harder to deal with parking. No private driveway
– Little further away from a park with a playground, but still within walking distance (hey, I have to be lazy sometimes)
– Most of all – my friends. I had 4 really wonderful friends just within a mile or two of my old house. The kind of friends you could call on last minute either for a favor or for a lunch get together. The kind you leave a spare house key with. I’m only 10 miles away now, but it does make a difference having good friends really close by.

I’ll just have to keep the Girl Scout song in mind. That one about making new friends but keeping the old. I was never a Girl Scout (my mom wouldn’t let me) but the song is a good one. I’ll have to make some new friends over here, deeper in the Valley and in the meantime, I’ll work really hard on convincing my old friends to move out here.

Oh – ASIAN AMERICANS! The 2010 census form! If you haven’t filled it out and sent it back in yet, get on the damn ball people! An accurate count can help us receive our share of over $400 billion in annual federal funds for services our community needs. Unfortunately, past decades have shown that Asian Americans are among the groups most likely to discard their Census forms. Please do your part and fill it out, send it in. Still freaked out? Here…

Fill In Our Future is a campaign created by AAPI Action to promote and encourage the participation of the Asian American community in the 2010 Census. Their website, fillinourfuture.org, features frequently asked Census questions, in-language resources (in over 24 Asian languages), informational brochures, sample Census forms, in-language assistance guides, celebrity and community leader PSA’s (Public Service Announcements) and monthly contests and giveaways. The larger campaign also includes media and community outreach, workshops, a speaker’s bureau and training seminars. No excuses! Represent and do your duty! It only takes a few minutes.

PSA over. Anderson… OUT!

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