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Blog Archives

Jan, 2012

Frankenstein's LAVATORY!!

Happy 2012 Everyone!

Sorry I’ve been blog remiss, but the holidays really did get the best of me in the most wonderful kind of way. Now we are in FULL swing back to work and it’s awards season, to boot. Modern Family has been nominated as Best Ensemble Cast for a SAG Award and Golden Globe. Crazy. Awesome. Exciting. Surreal. 

In a moment of normalcy around the house tonight, Aubrey started telling me about the haunted house at Universal Studios. Her dad takes her there a lot because they got season passes and apparently there is a Frankenstein character who walks around the park and goofs around with people waiting in ride lines. Aubrey has been led to believe, or more likely has made up in her 4yr old mind, that Frankenstein is in the haunted house.

Initially, she was TERRIFIED of old Frank. Screaming and crying every time she saw him, but my little turkey has a long history (well, ok about 3 years) of facing her fears head on. She does this on her own and we didn’t teach her to do this. It’s in her nature. When she’s afraid of something, she obsesses over it until she desensitizes herself and eventually, grows to love the former fear. Essentially, she’s her own psychotherapist which, in the long run, should save me a fortune.

Sally The Snake Cake! I made it. Woot!

Last year it was snakes after a reptile guy came to her preschool. She obsessed over snakes so much she decided to have a snake themed birthday party and now, the fear is old news.

Tonight, she started rambling on and on and on about Frankenstein, which is nothing unusual these days. The desensitization process involves talking endlessly about the subject. But I heard her say something that was too good not to capture on video – for future bribery and humiliation. Maybe at her graduation party or wedding reception. I bet her prom date will like this too. God being a parent in the digital age is great:

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